Digital stories CAN bring people together.
They CAN make you feel things together across thousands of miles.
And those feelings CAN be important.
This is something that was on our minds as we went into the next phase of SSN.
Remembering the quote by Maya Angelou: “At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel”.
Part of the ongoing conversation between Anna Zaluczkowska and Krishna Stott about SSN resulted in an attempt to create a “thumbnail” memory of each SSN story experience. Memento’s.
In a later proposed “system” these memento’s will be a moment from the experience frozen in digital space, but for our early collaborations with writers we sent postcards from Tokyo, burnt sticks from the forest, music from (fictional) dead Italian composers and other strange content from the hearts of our story experiences.